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Choosing E-Book Readers

It seems that a few years journey of owning e-book readers, which in themselves pretty uncommon in my circle, made me quite the “expert” in the field. Though my expertise definitely amounts to nothing compared to countless others in mobileread, my knowledge is apparently enough to at least give some views to the confusing start on e-book reader world for some of my friends’ question of “which e-book reader shall I buy”. Disclaimer: This is only my view, however, may be different with other people.

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Cute Souvenirs in Oxford

This is part of Photo-first-write-later travel posts.

What: Went to Oxford for Easter Break

Where: Oxford’s Colleges, especially Christ Church

Impression: Reminiscencing Harry Potter’s trail is nice, but I definitely like the merchandises


Cambridge’s Polar Museum

This is part of Photo-first-write-later travel posts.

What: Went to Cambridge for Easter Holiday

Where: Polar Museum

Impression: Small but densely informative museum

Entrance fee: Free

National Space Centre

This is part of Photo-first-write-later travel posts.

What: Went to Leicester University for Early Career Meeting.

Where: National Space Centre

Impression: Target market’s definitely children, but overall a nice experience

Entrance fee:: 11 GBP (concession and children), 14 GBP adult. Under 5 is free. It’s a yearly ticket though. You also get a visit to their planetarium/ theatre thingy

Leicester’s King Richard III Visitor Centre

This is part of Photo-first-write-later travel posts.

What: Went to Leicester University for Early Career Meeting.

Where: King Richard III Visitor Centre

Impression: Technology is power

Entrance fee:: 7 GBP ( Concession, Student, Unemployed, Senior), 4.75 (under 17), 7.95 (adult). Also a yearly ticket.